It was SO nice meeting you at #WeArePodcast!

• Slides from the workshop:
Copy, Paste, and Send: 3 Email Templates All Podcasters MUST Have to Save Time, Look Polished, Get Shares, and Get Booked

• Slides from the talk:
6 Copywriting Tweaks That Will Help You Get More Discovery, Distribution, and Downloads

Here are also some bonuses below (including the URLs directly to my two books…no email optin!)

1.  Copywriting for Podcasters:
How to Grow Your Podcast, Brand, and Business with Compelling Copy

Instant Download:
digital book copy of my 1st bestselling book free

2.  Permission to Write a Brand Building Book:
9 Myths Holding You Back from More Exposure and Making a Greater Impact

Instant Download:
digital book copy of my 2nd bestselling book free

3.  Book writing checklist
“How to Write an Awesome Business Book in the Next 30 Days
{That Actually Makes You Money}”

Grab here:

4.  Supportive Facebook Group for aspiring authors
who want to actually make money from their books (beyond book sales!)

Join us:

5.  7-Point Guide for How to Actually Make Money from Your Book
(That Also Grows Your Brand Too!)

Grab the Secrets of “The SUPREMACY System”

Can’t wait to see YOUR book live and bestsellin’ on Amazon soon! Then, make sure to use your book(s) to actually grow your business.

~ Laura 🙂


PS: Please let me know if you have any follow up questions. I am always here to help: