Patreon: Now you can be like rich folk from back in the day

Patreon: Now You Can Be Like Rich Folk from Back in the Day

LaptopLauraBlog [read me!]

Remember how the Medici family in Italy was crazy wealthy and used to commission great works of art?

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Did you know that in the city of Regensburg, Germany (from where I am currently writing) families used to build towers as high as possible to show off their general successy coolness?



Well, now you can too!

Just in a far less douchey way. 😉 Either that or you can be the artist being paid to create your amazing works of art!


I recently heard about something called Patreon while listening to Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income podcast. I love the concept. Here’s a recap:

Be a Patron

Step 1: Go check out the cool folks on this site who are doing what they love. Some categories include: music, blogging, videos, painting, podcasts, healing programs for victims of abuse, a magazine, chainsaw sculptures, you name it.

Here are just a few examples showing what some people are doing and the amount their supports are contributing!

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Step 2: Donate to your favorite creator on a monthly or by project creation basis.

Benefits: Depending on the creator, you can get early access to releases, swag, free tutorials, a chance to give input on next project, etc.!


Be a Creator (hello, business ideas!?)

Step 1: Think of something you want to create and get paid to do it

Step 2: Sign up and fill out your profile

Step 3: Share your work! Share your passion!

Benefits: You get to do what you love and envelope others in your vision and journey. Seems pretty dang cool. Look at this cool chick who is making sculptures with a chainsaw and making over $1000/month. Rock on, girl!

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Sound off!

– Do you have an account on Patreon?
– Know anyone who’s found success on it?
– Have any tips for others who want to use it?

Ping me with your insights: @laptoplaura