Notes I took to help you process this GREAT speaker training call!
1. How to put the list to work right now, even if the application is passed?
– applying is the bonus part of the list
– find out who is involved in the event…connect with them on social media (LI is best because it’s the most professional one)
– look at the page for the last event and look up all the speakers there…and on THEIR pages, look at all the events they have spoken at or are speaking at in the future
– a lot of events won’t bring back the same speakers year after year, so that’s an opp for you!
– list is a resource center to start building your network
– volunteer and offer value to build relationships if a speaking opp isn’t available
– your client is not the audience, it’s the event organizers
– event organizers talk to each other, so make sure you are in good with them
– when you are at the venue, all eyes are on you, be nice to everyone
2. What if chit-chatting is not your strong suit…at an event?…or via email as you develop rapport?
At Event:
– Be yourself. You don’t have to ‘work the room’ but be kind and professional
– Imagine that you are not there to network or chit-chat, but imagine that you are a researcher and researching the audience for your talk. Your job is to connect with some people to work into your talk. Get to know your audience!
– As a speaker, you want to show the organizer that you are trying to be a part of the event and really add value to it, on and off the stage…don’t be a diva and ignore everyone.
3. How do I pitch myself? How does my team or VA pitch me?
– Don’t pitch!
– Check them out and connect on social media. Find something you can connect with them on.
– When you ask an authentic question, it triggers a response. Mention the connection point.
– “When is the next one?” “When are you opening up speaking applications for the next one?”
– 1 person something that is human + 1 professional question …short, to the point, and it’s short to respond
– Every few months, send an update to the book, giving project,
– Every few weeks, share updates until they say ‘no’
4. How do you track your conversations?
– Spreadsheet
– calendar reminder
– how to use our speaker list and add columns to track last contact and notes
5. Thought about sending something physical in the mail to stand out?
– 100%, but don’t do it as a gimmick.
– If you have a great contact, send your book if you have one! Sign and personalize it. (Most people won’t do that or will send an ebook copy).
– Include 1-sheeter.
– Personalized, custom, unique gift to stand out.
– Hang out where they hang out
6. Why is a TED-talk valuable?
– If you do it right, a TED talk will be the platform to book more and more speaking gigs.
– A lot of people approach it wrong…making it about them. You need to make sure the IDEA leads and is connected to you and your story.
– TED video won’t automatically go viral, but you can use it to build solid views (100,000?) and use to leverage to get more gigs.
– Should I use it to help get more keynotes? Yes!
– Johanna Walker’s TED talk:
7. How do I get more views on my TED talk?
– Top 100 list…ask them to share
– Find a connection with them. I’m on a mission to share this with the world and you wrote an article similar that connects, so would love to share.
8. Do you include a section at the end of your talks, to ask people to take the next step with you?
Such as offering them a free resource to get on your email list, offering a strategy session, or putting a paid offer in front of them.
If so, what strategy do you use?
– It depends.
– But there is always a way to get people to connect with you on-going.
– When you get paid to speak, pitching a product is not seen favorably.
– Idea: Give the book away for free…via email. Now, you have a connection.
– Speaker mentioned $1,000 mastermind in the middle really casually and got people to sign up…but he didn’t do a long pitch.
– “If you want the slides, text __ or email ___.”
9. I have a hard time balancing my talks. Part of the issue is I really want to help my audience, but I want to make sure I’m not over teaching and causing their brains to explode. I hate delivering fluff content, I want them to walk away with something substantial, to feel they got value out of the talk.
What’s the rule of thumb, as far as how deep to go into something?
– Always, less.
– Go deep on a few things.
– TED talks and GoalCast are taking off because they focus on 1 thing and go in depth.
– “I have a 75pt thing (and put the image up), but if I talk you how to be good at this 1 point would this help you be better in sales?” Audience said YES….and afterward, people ran to the back of the room to work with him and buy his $997 product.
10. How to provide proof that I’m worth hiring, when my current proof is pretty much non-existent? And how can I get proof asap?
– Your job is not to speak, but to market yourself as a speaker. So, you need to get the photos of you speaking on stage, in an event room.
– Get testimonials and endorsements.
…ask podcast host to endorse you …ask meetup organizer you spoke at to give you a testimonial even if the even was small
– “Stages” are everywhere….podcasts, radio, TV, meet ups, co-working spaces,
– There are thousands of rotary clubs looking for speakers!
– Chambers of commerce, meetup groups, co-working spaces… get photos, video, testimonials, and new connections for future gigs.