FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (November 14, 2018)
Homeless to Multi-Millionaire, Las Vegas based author shares startling true story of his transformation against all odds.
Las Vegas, Nevada – Jimmy Colson, owner of Precision Orthotics and Prosthetics, is releasing a tell-all book on Cyber Monday for only $0.99 with the mission to show others with a troubled past that they too can achieve success in spite of it and have a positive impact on the world.
Raised by heroin addicts in California, forced to beg and steal just to survive, and bounced in and out of foster care, Jimmy Colson is now an American Board Certified Orthotist who owns one of the fastest-growing orthotics and prosthetics companies in the state. He is committed to giving back and has even received Congressional recognition for doing good in the community.
As a first time author, Jimmy Colson shares dark and intimate details of his hard-fought transformation. “Life is not about where you start, it is about the amazing journey you lead and what impact you make on others.” – Jimmy Colson.
Book Title: From the Depths: A Journey from Addiction, Abuse, and Homelessness to Positively Impacting the World
Book Summary: The story of one man’s quest to discover a life of purpose and meaning out of the darkness of drug addiction, abuse, crime, and living on the streets. Now a successful entrepreneur with goals for massive impact, Jimmy Colson is one of the most relatable people you’ll ever meet and has the wisdom of a thousand thieves. The book is for anyone who has gone through Hell and wonders if there is light on the other side.
Author: Jimmy Colson is the Founder and President of Precision Orthotics and Prosthetics (P.O.P.), a family-owned company with decades of experience in the fabrication and fitting of custom prosthetics and orthotics. P.O.P. cares deeply about their patients and the community, donating shoes, bracing, and mastectomy products to local homeless and international missions every year as well as supporting many cancer foundations.
“…my mother and her friends would force me to tie their arms off with a belt while they would slam one another [with cocaine and heroin mixed, called “speedballs”]. Blood would squirt on me, my sister, and my aunt. My clothes had small blood stains and my memories of this will last much longer than any of those stains ever could. The imprints they left on my mind are undeniable and unfathomable. The imprints they left on my soul are eternal….” [book excerpt]
To schedule and interview, please contact:
Contact: Laura Petersen
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