What is hypnosis? What is “a practical psychic”? How about spiritual coaching? We cover all of these parapsychological topics plus book writing, bestseller launching, and more with our guest Priscilla Keresey.
A Few Highlights from This Podcast:
– Journey to where Priscilla is now
– What is hypnosis?
– What is spiritual coaching and how can it help you?
– Best tips for writing and publishing your book
– Priscilla’s first bestselling book of 2019: Self-Esteem Solution: The Breakthrough Plan To Overcome Obstacles, Determine Your Destiny, and Pursue Your Extraordinary Life
– Priscilla’s second bestselling book of 2019: RISE & Shine: Your Day-By-Day Guidebook To Healthy Self-Esteem
Our Guest
Priscilla A. Keresey is a trained professional in hypnosis, spiritual coaching and psychic mediumship readings with clients all over the country and the world including Israel, Russia, and Canada. Since 2002 when she was certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, Priscilla has been working with her clients as the “practical psychic” who understands that people are seeking guidance from someone who speaks in terms that are relevant, treats readings like the important business they are, and understands that her clients expect something of measurable value for the money they’re spending.
In January 2003, Priscilla began studying at the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking as well as opened her first office where she offered free and low-cost workshops on Spring Cleaning for Mind, Body and Spirit, Creating Prosperity, The Power of the Inner Mind, How to Set Intentions for Success, Meditation, How To Pray, and her most popular: Developing and Using Your Own Psychic Abilities. In 2004 she began lecturing at New Age conferences, health clubs, fraternal organizations, women’s groups, libraries, schools and at workplaces on a variety of topics related to the power of the mind, and then graduated from the Seminary with an M.A. in Divinity and was ordained in Israel in November 2005.
Over the next four years, she not only kept up with her various industry endeavors but also created and taught a highly-effective six-week empowerment program for female inmates in the NYS Correctional System – a course that has been offered eight times since its inception.
Priscilla has continuously strived to diversify her professional efforts, functioning as a guest minister at the Albertson Memorial Spiritualist Church in Old Greenwich, CT while teaching workshops on self-esteem, hypnosis, psychic development, and mediumship skills. She has published multiple books including “It Will All Make Sense When You’re Dead, Messages from Our Loved Ones in the Spirit World”, “Nobody Gets Out of this Alive, More Messages from Our Loved Ones in the Spirit World”, “The Self-Esteem Solution”, and a series of self-help e-books and audio files that she authored and produced called, “Live & Learn Guides™.” She also co-created Putnam After Dark, a series of monthly events at the PV Grange highlighting the paranormal with speakers including S.P.I.R.I.T.S. of Hudson Valley Paranormal Investigators and author and UFO investigator, Linda Zimmerman.
Currently, Priscilla is President of the Putnam Valley Free Library Board of Trustees, and a member of the Putnam County Historical Cemetery Committee. She founded, and for the last 10 consecutive years has run, the very successful Putnam Valley Psychic Fair and is also teaching an ongoing mediumship development circle by teleclass. For additional information or to contact Priscilla, visit her Facebook page at facebook.com/APracticalPsychic, her website at apracticalpsychic.com and liveandlearnguides.com or via email at priscilla@apracticalpsychic.com.
• Raised in West Hartford, CT and Rindge, NH.
• Graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in 1984.
• Served as Art Director at Cornell University before beginning a long freelance career as a graphic designer, working for various Madison Avenue advertising agencies and Hunter College in New York City.
Priscilla has traveled the world as a high altitude mountaineer, enjoying technical rock and ice climbs on mountains in the US, Canada, Argentina, Russia, Africa, and the French and Swiss Alps.
Her favorite things to do are writing, studying and striving to grow closer to Spirit, traveling, and spending time with her animals outside in nature.
Great Quotes
- “All of our memories…are contained within our spirit, our soul, our subconscious mind, whatever you might wanna call it, the part of us that never dies.” – Priscilla Keresey
- “Nothing is written in stone.” – Priscilla Keresey
- “You can use your books like a business card….leaving them with the head of the chamber of commerce, or at the local library, or with the town council…it has a certain level of cache.” – Priscilla Keresey
- “There’s a natural prestige that goes along with having one or more books published.” – Priscilla Keresey
- “People generally see that [if you have a book]…you are someone who is really invested in what you are doing.” – Priscilla Keresey
- “I’ve gotten clients all over the world from [my books].” – Priscilla Keresey
- “I’ve even done hypnosis with people over Skype.” – Priscilla Keresey
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- Amazon Bestselling Book Workshop + Resources [free]
Bestselling Book Accelerator [best option to get your book done, live, and #1!]Speaker’s Secret Gig List [get more speaking gigs]
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