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147: Psychology of Persuasion for Entrepreneurs with Brian Ahearn

LaptopLauraCopywriting, Podcast [listen here!], Psychology

If you’ve ever wondered why some techniques work when it comes to persuasion, and how to apply it to all forms of writing this episode is for you. Laura sits down with guest Brian Ahearn – one of only 20 people globally certified by Dr. Cialdini.

In this episode, you’ll learn simple and effective ways that you can apply the Principles of Persuasion to dramatically improve your writing, and the proven psychology behind it!

A Few Highlights:

  • Savvy advice for people on introducing themselves at networking events
  • A full overview of the 7 principles from Cialdini’s books
  1. Reciprocity
  2. Liking
  3. Consensus
  4. Authority
  5. Consistency
  6. Scarcity
  7. Unity
  • Specific email wording examples to improve compliance with requests
  • The ‘personalize i’ + ‘ask a question instead of giving a command’
  • The ‘does this answer your question?’ closing — so savvy!
  • Engage the principle of consistency and ask instead of tell
  • How Brian helped get $700,000 back using the power of psychology
  • How to get more volunteers for a charity event

Our Guest: Brian Ahearn

147 Psychology of Persuasion for Entrepreneurs with Brian Ahearn

“When Brian Ahearn speaks, people listen. That is so because he knows his material thoroughly, and he knows how to present it superbly. The upshot is that the genuine insights he provides are not just immediately understandable, they are also immediately actionable and profitable.” – Robert B. Cialdini, PhD., the most cited living social psychologist in the world when it comes to the psychology of ethical influence and persuasion.

An international speaker and trainer, Brian is one of only 20 people in the world certified on behalf of Robert B. Cialdini, PhD., to teach his two-day Principles of Persuasion Workshop®.

His goal is to help people grow professionally and personally. He believes excellent training followed up with consistent coaching is the best way to ensure that becomes reality.

Brian is passionate about teaching others the science of influence and persuasion because he believes it’s a vital skill for professional success and personal happiness. When Brain teaches people how to apply the concepts of ethical influence, he is really helping them learn to hear “Yes” more often!

Podcast Show Mentions

  • Lynda.com course on Persuasive Selling – it will teach you how to ethically engage the psychology of persuasion throughout the sales process.
  • More on Dr. Robert Cialdini can be found here.
  • Videos from Dr. Cialdini around these psychological principles of persuasion can be found here.
  • Want more on Dr. Cialdini’s work? Check out Influence and Pre-Suasion
  • Listen to the Kwame Christian interview here.
  • Who is Kwame Christian: americannegotiationinstitute.com
  • Read Simon Sinek’s Start With Why
  • Find out more about Zig Ziglar

Great Quotes

  • “You can get everything you want in life if you just help enough people get what they want” – Zig Ziglar
  • “People feel compelled to answer questions.” – Brian Ahearn
  • “It’s not always what’s being asked, it who is doing the asking.” – Brian Ahearn
  • “When someone we know and like is really smart, we take it much more seriously. We can go out the internet and find the answers, but it’s why we refer to people with expertise.” – Brian Ahearn
  • “The more we see someone as part of a group, there is a much tighter bond, and we’re more likely to say yes.” – Brian Ahearn
  • “It’s no longer me, it’s we.” — Brian Ahearn
  • “There is nobody exempt from the principals. Some cultures may have a stronger emphasis on some than others, but they affect everyone.” — Brian Ahearn

Connect Socially:

Guest: Brian Ahearn
Email: brian.ahearn@influencepeople.biz


Guest Company:
Influence at Work

Host: Laura Petersen
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