057: Intuition, Self-Worth, and Abundance with Cassie Jeans

LaptopLauraPodcast [listen here!], Psychology

What’s the Psychology behind self-worth? How does it affect our success as entrepreneurs?

Cassie Jeans goes into detail on how she discovered a better mindset, increased her intuition, and uncovered the importance of self-worth.

Listen to this episode to learn how you can apply what she coaches – to your own life and work.

A few exciting highlights include:
– Cassie’s background that led to becoming a life coach
– How to be intuitive
– How to be clear with intention, boundaries, and more
– The Psychology behind and the value of self-worth
– An inside scoop to what Cassie does with clients and how you can apply it for yourself!

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  1. Copywriting for Podcasters? Yep! Grab my Amazon Best Selling Book now!
  2. How to Claim Your Self-Worth From Cassie Jeans


Cassie Jeans (@CassieMJeans) is very passionate, like “scare people passionate.” 🙂

She is a Life Coach that helps people free themselves of limiting beliefs that keep them locked into a life they no longer desire so they can finally know who they are and why they were put on this earth.

In particular, she loves working with millennials!

Great Quotes:

  • “A belief in my identity, a belief in my capability, and a belief in myself.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “I really operate from a place of intuition.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “If you can implement any practice into your life, start being grateful for every single second that you are walking on this earth.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “Trust yourself…understand that you’re put on this earth for a reason.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “I can be everything to some or I can be an inspiration to some.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “We put a limit on something that was meant to be limitless.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “You were created for a purpose.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “I believe I deserve joy, I believe I deserve love, I believe I deserve happiness but I believe it starts with me first.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “You can try to buy your way into success but until it comes from a place of intention… it can dry out.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “Be clear on what you will tolerate and what you will not tolerate.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “I will never bring myself down to play at someone else’s level.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “You are always in a constant flow of growth.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “Follow your gifts.” – Cassie Jeans
  • “You are totally worth it.” – Cassie Jeans

Links to Things Mentioned in This Podcast Episode:

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Guest: Cassie Jeans
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Host: Laura Petersen
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